


上下文的目标 数码出门
上下文的目标 数码出门


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Build and run a winning digital out of home (DOOH) campaign by making it definable, 令人难忘的, 有关, 和可衡量的, writes Hivestack by Perion's ; Natali Terzioglu

As programmatic DOOH continues to expand across the globe, building and running DOOH campaigns that cut through the noise and generate awareness and positive ROI is becoming increasingly challenging. By putting consideration into building and running your campaigns according to a few 最佳实践, 你更有可能获得成功.

明确你的目标 & kpi

在开始DOOH活动之前, it's important to define your objectives and key performance indicators (kpi). 你们活动的主要目标是什么? 是为了提高品牌知名度吗, 为网站带来流量, 或者增加到一个物理位置的人流量? 一旦你确定了你的目标, you can then determine the kpi that will help you measure success.


设计一个令人难忘的创意是关键. Ensure that the message is simple yet impactful enough to capture the attention of your audience on their daily journeys. This means using contrasting colour schemes that stand out, straight-to-the-point calls-to-action and incorporating interactivity where possible (e.g. QR码).

One of the most common missteps we see designers make when building creatives is that they fail to prioritise readability, 特别是在路边放置. 研究人员发现 average viewing time of a billboard is four seconds. Given this, Hivestack by Perion recommends the KISS-approach to designing creative and 保持简单. Limit word count to 8 words or fewer and make the logo and call-to-action highly visible.


In addition to 保持简单, marketers should keep it 有关 and targeted. Running targeted ads in DOOH can be achieved in a number of ways.


Your DOOH messaging should align with all the overall values and vision of the brand. This means using the same colour scheme, font, and logos across all channels, including DOOH. Don’t cause confusion among your audience by positioning your brand as high-end on one channel and then as cost-effective on another.


Contextual targeting is a great way to make your message more pertinent. This could mean advertising on venue types that fit your brand or product. 例如, you might not advertise a mortgage product on DOOH screens found on college campuses, 但你会在那里为能量饮料做广告.


Leverage data to reach your audience on a more targeted scale. Through Hivestack by Perion, campaign managers can 挖掘受众 以多种方式,例如但不限于:

定制受众定位: Build custom audiences based upon the movement patterns of those you’re targeting. Perion的《dsn彩乐园网址》, identifying opportunities to reach audiences when and where they’re present in heightened concentrations is a breeze. Custom audience targeting is a sure-fire way to elevate your campaign’s ability to reach the right consumers.

预定义的受众群体定位: Our platform offers media buyers a range of pre-defined or pre-built audience segments categorised using demographic, 行为, and psychographic data sets sourced from various industry-leading data partners. Gaining practical knowledge about your target audience and leveraging it accordingly amplifies the effectiveness of your DOOH advertising.

定位目标: Utilise in-map polygon 工具 to create geofences around points of interest, 确保您的广告运行在理想的位置. 通过实现精确的地理定位目标, 预定的消息到达了它的目标, 在实时, 无论他们在哪里.  


Finally, it's important to measure and evaluate the success of your programmatic DOOH campaign. Use the kpi you defined earlier to determine whether your campaign met your objectives. 如果不是, use the data and insights gathered throughout the campaign to make adjustments for future campaigns.

Brand Lift Studies are a great way to measure the impact of a campaign by surveying exposed audiences and comparing their responses to those in a control group. 类似的, foot traffic attribution studies measure the impact your campaign had in driving foot traffic to a physical location.

Programmatic DOOH offers a powerful way to reach targeted audiences throughout their daily commutes or journeys outside of their home. 通过遵循这些最佳实践, advertisers can ensure their campaigns are effective at capturing more mindshare of the right audience, thus generating a better ROI and meeting campaign objectives.

By Natali Terzioglu, Senior Marketing Manager, EMEA


Perion的Hivestack是最大的独立公司, 全球, 完整的堆栈, 广告技术公司, powering the buy and sell side of programmatic digital out of home (DOOH) advertising. Hivestack by Perion was founded in 2017 with headquarters in Montreal, Canada and operates in 35+ countries across the globe.  欲了解更多信息,请访问 hivestack.com or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook @hivestack.

发布: 2023年9月27日星期三